Account Management

How a Player Can Remove an Account Manager

1.       Log into your Player Account. 2.       Click Account Management . 3.       Under My Managers, click the radio button for...

How an Agent can apply to a Championship on behalf of a player

1.       Click Manage Account to navigate to the player’s account. 2.       Click the Apply tab at the top of the...

I created a new account, but I didn’t receive an email to verify my account.

The email to verify your account may be blocked by some email providers. Please be sure to add [email protected] to your...

How do I update my contact information?

To update your contact information, please log in to your profile and select the ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT tab. From there, you will select...

Can I use the same email for multiple accounts?

Each player account will need to have a unique email address. For information on creating multiple player profiles and managing...

The system says I need to verify my email again after I already verified it.

As previous player data is migrated and merged in the background, there may be a need for you to re-verify...

How do I manage a profile for my child if I also have a profile for competitions that I compete in?

When a parent & child (minor) both participate in USGA Championships individually, the parent can manage the child’s account through...

Agent Creating Account for One or More Players

1.       Begin by creating an account for the Agent. This account will serve as the Account Manager. 2.       Go to...

How a parent/guardian can apply to a Championship on behalf of a player

1.       Click Manage Account to navigate to the player’s account. 2.       Click the Apply tab at the top of the...

Parent Creating Account for Minor (Multiple Children)

After verifying your e-mail, you will receive an Account Confirmation e-mail. Note: If you do not receive the validation e-mail...

Parent/Guardian Creating Account for Minor (One Child)

The instructions below are for parents/guardians creating a profile if they only have one child competing in USGA Championships. How...

Player Creating Individual Account for Themselves

The instructions below are for players who need to create a single account. How to create an individual player account...

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